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Perform * Protect * Recover

Help Your Team Perform Better

While Protecting from Unnecessary Injuries and Recovering Faster!

"Tony and Kate Decker came to our campus and put on a 3-day speed clinic for 50 of our football players.  Their positive hands-on approach was not only instructional, but also inspiring to our athletes.  As a coach, I feel sure that our program has been enhanced by this clinic and that the techniques demonstrated will result in improvement of my players.  I wish we had them come before the season!" 


Coach John Shuman, Head Football Coach, Fork Union Military Academy

Clinics, Consults & Speaking Engagements

Kate Decker is a frequent Speaker at Regional and Local clinics on the most current and advanced topics in strength and conditioning, speed, power and sports medicine related principles.  Decker also creates team and school specific Clinics and Consults for College and High School Teams, and Private Sector Performance Centers and Sports Medicine Clinics.  

*  Speed Training & Biomechanics of Running

*  Program Design for Strength, Power, & Explosion

*  Fascial Restrictions and Effects on Athletic Performance or Returning to Sport

*  Modified Exercises for the Injured Athlete

*  Principles of Acceleration & Change of Direction

*  Dynamic Warmup and Recovery

*  Muscle Balance for Injury Prevention

*  Incorporating Speed Biomechanics in Warmup, Practice & Return from Injury

Email today to book a clinic, consult or speaking engagement!  Check out our Events Page for up-to-date educational opportunities.

Team Camps & Clinics

Some of the most beneficial clinics to teams have been at their location

and include:


*  Educational clinics for the coaches & sports medicine staff

*  Hands-on techniques in the weight room and on the field for coaches & sports    medicine staffs to include assisting with coaches' eye and coaching cues

*  Hands-on techniques and drills for athletes

*  Olympic Weightlifting & Power Lifting Progressions

*  Speed Drills and Running Form

*  Dynamic Warmup to assist with game performance, preparation for    

    speed/conditionin or for lifting.

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Contact Information

Tel: 732-236-7917



Institute of Athletic Movement

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: The opinions voiced in this material and on this website are for general information only and not as advice or recommendations; therefore it does NOT serve as medical advice. Nothing on our website can serve as a consultation, diagnosis or complete advice. We do not diagnose or treat.  Consequently any advice on a matter or person contained anywhere on this site must be construed only as opinion and information and not as professional advisement. Therefore any claim of liability is hereby waived and no responsibility whatsoever is assumed by following the opinions stated anywhere on this website. Please note:  All packages are non-transferable and non-refundable.  Thank you for your patronage.

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